Peter Krasinski
Friday, April 14, 2023 7:30 PM Keystone Oaks High School (Dormont, PA)
Let award-winning musician Peter Krasinski whisk you to Paris this spring as he provides exciting, live theatre organ accompaniment to the surreal 1956 film The Red Balloon. Also on the program: Buster Keaton’s sparkling 1922 comedy The Electric House and musical selections from the Great American Songbook. “Peter accompanies films with tremendous energy,” says PATOS President, Dale Abraham. Audiences from the US, France, and Japan agree! Bring friends and experience this rare treat yourself. NOTE: This event will be on a FRIDAY.
Admission is $15 in advance, or $20 at the door. Students are free with ID.
Purchase tickets online via Showclix: www.showclix.com/event/redballoon